Recruitment Information
Fulfilling our duty as a responsible and innovative organization
At Stella Innovations Co., Ltd., we have the vision of becoming a leading company engaged in supporting the local and national companies who have a vision of becoming global leaders. Furthermore, we aim to grow as a genuine language, translation, proofreading business and human resources management solution consultancy firm capable of rationally solving the diverse problems of companies facing the need for global, professional and independent workers.
As a group of professionals dedicated to further developing our technical capability based on our own initiative and responsibility to increase the added value of our work, we strive to identify every fine detail of our clients’ needs so that we can propose the best solutions.
What we call the “5Cs – Communication, Confidence, Charisma, Challenge and Change” means this pursuit of achieving our corporate vision.
With this challenging spirit, we are determined to make a vital contribution to the development of truly professional and global people by empowering them with our 5Cs.
We are currently looking for human resources to join our team and together, shoulder the future of Stella as a leading educational consultancy and translation firm.
Mario Nonkovikj
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Stella is Looking for New Stars!
Stella Innovations is looking for professional and passionate individuals to become part of our online team offering unparalleled customized service to our clients in the education, translation / proofreading and business consulting fields.
A Stella Online Trainer is:
-A career educator with a passion for instructing others.
-Someone with an experienced, varied and relevant background
-Someone with a native-level command of English, or the language they will be teaching
-Someone with an ability and desire to go beyond the perceived needs and provide added value for all of our customers
-Someone with a truly global perspective
-Someone who respects others and respects themselves
What does Stella Innovations promise its employees?
- Honest and open communication right from the beginning
- A dynamic, rewarding and supportive working environment
- Respect for your financial, professional and emotional needs
Rewards are what drive us all, whether they are financial, professional or emotional.
Stella Innovations employee remuneration for Online Lessons is primarily based on the length and complexity of each lesson type.
The base salary is set at an amount that ensures a faire payment while also maintaining our competitive advantage. Our current base remuneration for our Online Trainers begins at ¥700-¥1,000 per 15 min and peeks at¥2,300 - ¥3,000 per 60 min.
If you would like to join our team or would like more information, please click the "Contact us" button below and fill in the inquiry box.
We look forward to hearing from you.