株式会社ステライノベーションズ、(以下「当社」という。)は、個人情報の保護に関する法律(以下、「個人情報保護法」または「法」と いう。)における個人情報取扱事業者として、個人情報保護の必要性および重要性を認識しております。株式会社ステライノベーションズは、以下のとおり個人情報保護に関する基本方針を定め、すべての従業者に周知徹底するとともに、当該方針を遵守し、個人情報保護を徹底いたします。
4.当社は、個人情報保護のための管理体制および取り組みを定期的に見直し 、継続的な改善に努めます。
(1) 企業・教育機関・医療関係者向けサービス、コンサルティング、マーケティング調査等、海外アドバイザー・商品の現地化マーケティングサービス、その他、当社において提供される各種サービスのご案内およびご提供(独立性、コンフリクト対立等の確認手続を含みます)。
(2) 当社の出版物(ニュースレター等、webサイトや電子メール等によるものを含みます。)による情報提供およびその販売・購読のご案内。
(3) 各種セミナーや勉強会の開催のご案内およびこれらの運営。
(4) 社員・職員等(役員、その他、名称等の如何によらず当社内で業務に従事する従業者を含みます。)の採用選考および採用後の人事管理。
(5) 当社の提供するサービスに関連する提言・統計・調査等および公的機関等の諮問に応じるなどの社会貢献活動。
(6) 利用者のみなさまからの各種お問い合わせへの回答。
(7) 法令遵守・品質管理等の必要性に基づく総合的なリスク管理。
<2> 第三者提供
<3> 外国にある第三者への提供
(1) 当社は、利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内において、個人データを正確かつ最新の内容に保つよう努めます。
(1) 手続:下記受付窓口宛にお問い合わせください。具体的な方法について個別にご案内いたします。
(2) 当社の受付窓口:こちらをご覧ください。
当Webサイトでは、利用者のみなさまが特に任意に提供した個人情報のみを取得します。ここでいう個人情報とは、例えば利用者のみなさまのお名前・肩書き・勤務先住所・メールアドレス・電話番号などですが、それらに限定されるものではありません。また、当社は、利用者のみなさまから提供されたコンテンツ(ブログ、フォーラム、Wiki等のソーシャルメディアアプリケーションならびに当社の提供サービスへのみなさまからの投稿などを含みますが、それらに限定されません)を保存および維持することがあります。当社は、通常、要配慮個人情報 (例えば、人種、信条、社会的身分、病歴、犯罪の経歴、犯罪により害を被った事実など)を利用者のみなさまから収集することはありません。かかる情報の収集・利用が必要な場合、対象となる利用者のみなさまから明確なご同意をいただいた上で行います。
Privacy Policy
Last revised: 1 June 2021
Declaration of Protection of Personal Information
As a personal information handling business operator as defined in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information” or the “Act”), each entity of Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd. recognizes the need and importance of protection of personal information. To ensure correct protection of personal information, each entity of Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd. complies with the basic policy below concerning protection of personal information, and familiarizes all personnel with this policy.
1. Basic Policy
1. Each entity of Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd. complies with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, guidelines issued by relevant authorities, and other laws and regulations concerning proper handling of personal information.
2. Each entity of Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd. acquires personal information in a proper manner, and except as otherwise provided for by law, uses such information within the purpose of utilization of personal information that has been disclosed in advance, was informed or explicitly stated at the time of receipt.
3. In order to prevent loss, alteration or leakage of personal information, each entity of Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd. implements appropriate security controls for handling of personal information including information security.
4. Each entity of Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd. reviews, on a regular basis, its management system and efforts for the protection of personal information to attain continuous improvement.
2. Handling of Personal Information
By posting this policy on this website, each entity of Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd. discloses in advance the purposes of utilization of personal information and potential joint utilization of personal information.
(1) Purposes of Utilization of Personal Information
(a) To introduce and/or provide consulting, educational advisory, marketing advisory, cross-cultural and international business advisory, translation, interpretation and proofreading, and various other services to be offered or rendered by each entity of Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd. (including procedures to check independence and conflicts of interest, etc.);
(b) To provide information through publications (including newsletters and other information provided on websites, by email, and by other means) issued by each entity of Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd., and to provide information on sales and/or subscriptions of such publications;
(c) To inform of and operate various seminars and study sessions;
(d) To select and hire personnel (including partners, directors and any other staff engaged in business within Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd., regardless of their titles) and to conduct human resources management after hiring;
(e) To make proposals, take statistics, conduct researches and respond to requests for advice from public organizations and private individuals concerning services provided by each entity of Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd., and to otherwise engage in contribution to society;
(f) To respond to various inquiries from you; and
(g) To implement comprehensive risk management based, inter alia, on the requirements for compliance with laws and regulations and quality control.
(2) Joint Utilization
A. Joint Utilization by Entities of Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd.
Each entity of Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd. may jointly utilize the acquired personal data with those entity or entities as specified in “(b) Scope of joint users” in this section within the scope of any of the above-mentioned purposes.
(a) Items that may be jointly utilized
<External Information>
• Name (including the place of work, division to which a person belongs, title, and position whereby a specific person’s name can be identified), address, telephone number, facsimile number, email address, and the requests made by the person, etc.
• Matters concerning inquiries
• Matters concerning services provided
<Internal Information (Personnel Information)>
• Name and other information concerning his/her employment and performance evaluations
(b) Scope of joint users:
Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd., and their related entities (this includes Stella Online Support (S.O.S), Stella School of Language Business and Management and Stella Youth Academy and collectively referred to as the “Stella Innovations organization”).
* Please click here for details regarding the Stella Innovations organization.
(c) Purpose of joint use:
• Within the scope in the “(1) Purposes of Utilization of Personal Information” above, it may be jointly utilized on a need basis
(d) Entity responsible for management of joint utilization: Deloitte Tohmatsu LLC
(3) Provision to Third Parties
As a rule, entities of Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd. do not provide personal data to any third parties, except where such provision is permitted by applicable laws or regulations, or where the person is deemed to have consented to such provision under the purpose or policy of applicable laws and regulations.
(4) Provision to Third Parties in a Foreign County
When an entity of Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd. provides personal data to a third party in a foreign country, it provides the personal data only to a person establishing a system conforming to standards prescribed by rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission as necessary for continuously taking action equivalent to the one that it shall take concerning the handling of personal data, or it provides personal data only when a consent on such provision to a third party in a foreign country is obtained in advance from the principal.
3. Management of Personal Information
(1) Each entity of Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd. strives to keep personal data accurate and up to date within the scope necessary to achieve a utilization purpose.
(2) In order to prevent loss, destruction, alteration or leakage of personal information, each entity of Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd. safely manages personal information and takes appropriate information security measures as follows to prevent unauthorized access, computer viruses.
a. Establishment of Basic Policy
To ensure appropriate handling of information asset including personal data, each entity of Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd. establishes an "Information Security Policy" (Information Security Regulations and Regulations for Personal Information Protection, etc.).
b. Development of Rules Regarding the Handling of Personal Data
Each entity of Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd. establishes detailed regulations on how to handle personal data obtained in the course of business.
c. Systematic Security Control Measures
Each entity of Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd. establishes a Chief Personal Information Manager and clarifies the definition of its role and establishes a system for reporting the leakage of information that is subject to confidentiality obligations.
d. Human Security Control Measures
Each entity of Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd. requires its personnel to submit a letter regarding confidentiality of information, at the time of joining and resigning the Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd., to emphasize the importance of information security, as well as continuously providing education on information security.
e. Physical Security Control Measures
Each entity of Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd. controls the entry and exit of personal data management areas and take measures to prevent the theft or loss of equipment and documents etc. that handles personal data.
f. Technical Security Control Measures
Each entity of Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd. takes measures to manage access to servers and other information devices, and to prevent information leakage due to unauthorized software.
g. Understanding of the External Environment
Each entity of Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd. complies with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the handling of information. In addition, the department in charge of legal affairs provides consultations on various legal issues related to the execution and promotion of business, and also has a mechanism to discuss these issues with relevant parties from time to time.
(3) Each entity of Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd. appropriately supervises its personnel and its trustees with respect to the handling of personal information.
4. Procedures to Comply with Requests on Retained Personal Data for Disclosure, Correction, etc.
Upon receiving a request on any personal data retained, such as a request for disclosure, correction and utilization cease, etc. under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, each entity of Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd. will appropriately meet such request pursuant to applicable laws and regulations.
(1) Procedures: Please contact the Help Desk indicated below. Help Desk will inform you of the specific procedures to follow.
(2) Help Desk of each entity of Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd.: Please click here .
5. Handling of Personally Referable Information
Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd. handles personally referable information in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and related guidelines etc. published by relevant authorities.
6. Complaints/Inquiries
If you have complaints, opinions or questions regarding the handling of personal information by each entity of Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd., please contact us here .
* Except in the case of joint utilization, management of personal information is implemented by each entity of Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd. at its own responsibility, and no other entities within Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd. or their related entities will be jointly liable for such management without a basis of individual and specific circumstances.
7. Revision of the Privacy Policy
Each entity of Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd. may from time to time revise all or a part of this Privacy Policy as necessary. When revisions are made, the updated Privacy Policy will be posted on this homepage, or notified by other appropriate means.
8. Privacy Statement
In order to properly handle personal information and personally referable information that Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd. acquires through its website, Privacy Statement has been established.
Privacy Statement applies to handling of such personal information and personally referable information for its website-specific characteristics.
This Privacy Policy is executed in Japanese language. Japanese language shall be the governing language.
Any translation of this Privacy Policy into any other languages other than Japanese is for convenience of reference only.
Privacy Statement
Last revised: 1 April 2022
stella-innovations.com is comprised of various websites, each of which is provided by Stella Innovations Co., Ltd. or one of its independent member firms or their related entities (collectively, the "Stella Network").
This Privacy Statement applies only to the specific web pages of stella-innovations.com designated as Japan in the header, which are referred to below as "this Website".
Stella Innovations Co., Ltd. (“Stella”, “Stella Innovations, “we”, “us” or “our”) is a collective term that refers to Stella Innovations Co., Ltd.
We are a privacy conscious organization. We are the entity within the Stella Network that is providing this Website and this Privacy Statement explains how we protect visitors’ information collected via this Website.
By using this Website, you are agreeing to the utilization of your information as described in this Privacy Statement.
Please note that the other country, regional and practice specific websites contained within stella-innovations.com are provided by other entities within the Stella Network and are not provided by us. Such websites, as well as other websites that may be linked to this Website, are not governed by this Privacy Statement. We encourage a visitor to review each of other website's privacy statements before disclosing his/her personal information.
This Privacy Statement may be supplemented or amended from time to time by privacy statements that are specific to certain areas of this Website (e.g., recruitment). For more details about the online recruitment process, please review the specific statement governing the area.
If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Statement, please contact webmaster services here.
Personal Information collection
As a visitor, you do not have to provide any personal information in order to use the Website. This Website only collects personal information that is specifically and voluntarily provided by visitors. Such information may include, but is not limited to, your name, current job title, company address, email address, and telephone and facsimile numbers.
We may also store and maintain any contents that you provide, including but not limited to postings on any blogs, forums, wikis and other social media applications and services that we may provide.
We usually do not collect special care-required personal information (e.g., personal information comprising a principal’s race, creed, social status, medical history, criminal record, fact of having suffered damage by a crime, etc.) from visitors. We will obtain your explicit consent when necessary to collect and utilize such information.
Log information, cookies and web beacons
This Website collects standard internet log information including your IP address, browser type and language, access times and referring website addresses. To ensure that this Website is well managed and to facilitate improved navigation, we or our service providers may also use cookies (small text files stored in a user’s browser) or Web beacons (electronic images that allow this Website to count visitors who have accessed a particular page and to access certain cookies) to collect aggregate data.
Personal Information utilization
At times, you may provide personal information via this Website, for example, to gain access to specific content, attend a Stella Innovations Co., Ltd. hosted event, respond to a survey, or request communications about specific areas of interest. In such cases, the information you provide will be utilized to manage your request and to customize and improve this Website and related services offered to you. We may also utilize your personal information for marketing purposes, or to send you promotional materials or communications regarding services provided by entities within the Stella Network that we feel may be of interest to you. We may also contact you to seek feedback on services provided by entities within the Stella Network or for market or other research purposes.
Your personal information may also be utilized to protect the rights or property of Stella Innovations Co., Ltd. and that of our users and, where appropriate, to comply with legal process.
You may at any time request that we discontinue sending you emails or other communications generated in response to your provision of personal information via this Website.
Blogs, forums, wikis, and other social media
This Website may host various blogs, forums, wikis and other social media applications or services that allow you to share content with other users (collectively “Social Media Applications”). Any personal information or other information that you contribute to any Social Media Application can be read, collected, and used by other users of that Social Media Application over whom we have little or no control. Therefore, we are not responsible for any other user’s use, misuse, or misappropriation of any personal information or other information that you contribute to any Social Media Application.
Access to Personal information
Visitors who would like to request access to their information, to update their details, or unsubscribe from communications should contact webmaster services here. In all cases we will treat requests to access information or change information in accordance with applicable legal requirements.
Information security
We have in place reasonable commercial standards of technology and operational security to protect all information provided by visitors via this Website from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.
Changes to our Privacy Statement
We may modify or amend this Privacy Statement from time to time at our discretion. When we make changes to this Statement, we will amend the revision date at the top of this page, and such modified or amended Privacy Statement shall be effective as to you and your information as of that revision date. We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Statement to be informed about how we are protecting your information.
Children's privacy protection
We understand the importance of protecting children's privacy in the interactive online world. This Website is not designed for or intentionally targeted at children 13 years of age or younger. It is not our policy to intentionally collect or maintain information about anyone under the age of 13.
Visitors' questions
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your privacy while using this Website, please direct them to webmaster services here.