Enterprises, Educational Inst., Health Care,
Education & Training
"It was easy to understand because of the loud and detailed explanations."
"I was glad that the class was running smoothly."
"It was easy to understand because of the loud voice."
"The explanation of how to do the printouts was easy to understand."
"The class tempo was good, and it was easy to understand."
"It was good to be able to practice the basics of English."
"The class was taught in Japanese in an easy-to-understand way and the use of handouts was great."
"Thank you very much for the great class."
"It was very easy to understand because you taught slowly and carefully."
"The teacher explained things very clearly and spoke Japanese when I didn't understand English, so that was good too."
"The teacher made sure that I knew what we were going to do in class, so I felt comfortable."
"I enjoyed the class because the teacher was energetic."
"I enjoyed learning English while communicating with the teacher a lot."
"I enjoyed the class so much that I want to take it again."
"I was able to learn at my own pace".
“おかげでお客さんとのコミュニケーションが非常にスムーズになり、 円滑に業務逐行ができます”。
“I learned expressions that I can use not only in business, but also in general conversation.”
“I gained confidence in speaking in meetings in English.”
"I was very satisfied with the course. I no longer have negative feelings about being productive in meetings and writing emails in English".
"It was all practical, the training for writing business emails and being active in meetings was immediately usable."
"Thanks to this training, communication with our customers is much smoother, and we are able to carry out our business more efficiently."
Machinery and equipment manufacturing industry
"The opportunity to be exposed to real-time scenarios that require English was very valuable. The training was very empowering in terms of what we gained from each class."
Sales department of a trading company
航空宇宙機器開発製造会社・ 設計勤務
"The training was very useful because I could immediately use the know-how for practical purposes, such as setting up teleconferences with customers. Also, the content of the textbook was not the same as the standard English textbooks sold in bookstores, but rather was in line with our unique business needs, so it was very easy to see the value of what was being taught."
Aerospace equipment development and manufacturing company
"The content was useful for real workplace environments, including the techniques we learned and the know-how relating to different cultures.
" I feel that I am now more relaxed in terms of actual communication with foreigners than before.”
Electronic parts
"The training was very practical and the instructor, who has a lot of knowledge and experience, made the training motivating and enjoyable.”
General trading company
"The course was tailored to my skills, and the content was very close to my work. The trainer was friendly and made learning fun.”
IT Company
"I would recommend it even if you are nervous about your current speaking skill because the instructor is very attentive and patient and works with you until you are at ease and satisfied."
Auto parts company
"I think it was good because the training was very concrete and easy to understand. The way the instructor spoke to the participants in a way that drew their attention and was very motivating.”
Specialized trading company
"The format of the training was very helpful in recognizing my current limitations."
Educational institution
"I think that many of the lessons were useful for my actual work, such as Emailing, teleconferencing, etc."
General trading company
"Each time we had a conversation, we were able to talk about our personal and business life in depth. It was easy to talk because the trainer always listened to me and responded in a positive way. It helped me to gain confidence.
Aerospace equipment development and manufacturing company
"The role-plays are very practical and the phrases are very practical for a variety of work situations.
IT Company
"The training was very good and interesting, and the instructor was kind. I was also very pleased with the personalized and accurate advice because the trainer saw me as an individual."
Heavy industry
"I enjoyed the training because it was very friendly and lighthearted. The conversation was appropriate to the level of the participants, and the occasional additions of Japanese were helpful for clearer understanding.”
Advertising agency
"The explanations were very good and easy to understand, with helpful examples and motivating humor. The trainer also had a lot of experience and was able to give advice on many different topics. I think it was good that there were different trainers on the first and second days, as we could receive more varied perspectives."
General trading company
"I highly recommend taking this course because you will receive the most practical training available anywhere from an experienced and humorous instructor.”
General trading company
"Thank you for your valuable information. The information and data you have provided will be invaluable for deciding future university policies.
I would like to thank the educational consultants at Stella for their support. Please continue to support us in the future."
President, Nagoya City University
"I really enjoyed the trainer's class atmosphere. The trainer taught us in an easy-to-understand manner the techniques and know-how for giving great presentations in English. Not only that, he also kept the class atmosphere light and stress-free with just the right amount of humor, and immediately understood our intentions and expanded on what we had said. Thanks to that, I was able to stay focused in class. I am sure I will be able to make use of these skills and achieve better overseas results in the future."
General trading company
"It was good to learn not only presentation techniques but also how to prepare for a presentation. I would like to use the presentation techniques taught in this workshop in various situations, remembering how to approach presentations effectively and confidently."
IT Company
"The reason why I took this course again after last year was, of course, to further improve my English communication by attending a class, but more importantly, I did not want to lose the opportunity to be exposed to real-life English. Last year, by the end of the course, I understood the importance of "never giving up and trying to communicate my message with the English I have mastered”, so have I tried to put it into practice during the course this year."
Aerospace equipment development and manufacturing company
"I used to find it difficult to pronounce and intonate English, but I learned that in addition to improving my pronunciation, it is more important to put the accent on the parts that I want to emphasize. I will be able to make use of this in teleconferencing, etc."
General trading company
"I was very nervous at first, but the kind words put me at ease".
Tour Guide-Interpreter Candidate
"I learned a great deal by understanding the importance of asking "wh" questions".
Tour Guide-Interpreter Candidate
"I became aware that my presentation skills could be improved in many areas and that I still need more experience. To that the end, this is a great course. Thank you very much."
Tour Guide-Interpreter Candidate
引き込む難しさや奥深さを感じました。 講師の方が、いつも私たちが成長できる
"The in-depth comments made me realize the importance, the difficulty and the depth required to satisfy guests and engage successfully with them in my work."
Tour Guide-Interpreter Candidate
"2回目では、前回の講師の方のご指導を活かし、他のみなさんの英語のガイドがより上手になられていたり、工夫されていたりして、 とても勉強になりました"。
"In the second session, I was able to use the guidance of the previous instructor to help everyone else become better and more creative in their English advancement."
Tour Guide-Interpreter Candidate
"It is difficult to open a conversation with a question using "What" or "How" because you have to understand the response and react on the spot, but I wanted to challenge myself because it is important to engage with the customer and make them interested and curious. Thanks to you, I enjoyed learning very much. Thank you very much for your guidance."
Tour Guide-Interpreter Candidate
"自分も含めた参加メンバー全員分の事前提出したスクリプトの添削版をフィードバックいただき、大変勉強になりました。 相手目線の表現、丁寧な説明、映像が浮かぶような説明など、通訳ガイドとして、心得ておかなければならないポイントを改めて学ぶことができました。 まさに、実践力と自分のレベルが把握できる素晴らしい企画だと
"I received valuable feedback on the corrected versions of the scripts submitted to the trainers in advance, including not only my own script but the scripts of all of the participants, which was very informative. I was able to learn again what I need to keep in mind as an interpreter-guide, such as choosing expressions with the listener's point of view in mind, engaging explanations, and explanations that bring clear understanding and clear images to mind. I thought it was truly a wonderful training seminar that enabled me to enhance my practical skills and my level of confidence."
Professional Tour Guide-Interpreter
"今回の講座で、外国人から見た、日本の特有なところ、日本人が当たり前と思っている事を丁寧に切り取って紹介していく 視点を改めて感じることができました"。
"This lecture gave me a renewed sense and awareness of the viewpoint of the audience and the need to carefully tailor information and introduce what is unique about Japan and what Japanese people may take for granted, and see my talks from a tourist's point of view."
プロ通訳ガイド K様
Professional Tour Guide-Interpreter
"Thanks to my trainer's guidance, I was able to express what I really wanted to say, how I could improve upon my language and descriptive skills, what I should include in my talks, and much more."
プロ通訳ガイド T様
Professional Tour Guide-Interpreter
"意味は通じるものの、Native Speakerならこういう単語を使うプレゼンテーションの
最初と最後の部分は一番大事なところなので印象に残る言い方をする等、沢山の貴重なアドバイスを頂きました。これからも機会を設けてNative Speakerとの英会話で多くを吸収していきたいと思っています"。
"I received a lot of valuable advice such as, although the meaning may be understood, fluent speakers would use different words at the beginning and end of the presentation. I also gained valuable skills regarding choosing which are the most important parts to include and emphasize, and learning that how you say the words is just as important as the words themselves for leaving a strong lasting impression. I would like to continue to take advantage of the opportunities to speak English with fluent and native speakers and learn a lot from their knowledge and experience."
プロ通訳ガイド S様
Professional Tour Guide-Interpreter
"This kind of training is really encouraging. When explaining something to others, we sometimes speak on the assumption that the listener will have the necessary background knowledge to fully comprhend our meaning and nuance, but when I interpret a Japanese story to people from overseas, there is a need to localize it because a direct translation will not be understood or the message may be misinterpreted. My trainer clearly explained this point and gave us advice on what we guides should do."
プロ通訳ガイド M様
Professional Tour Guide-Interpreter
"It was a very productive two hours. By being able to share comments for all the participants' presentations, I was able to learn about guiding points from many different angles and perspectives."
Professional Tour Guide-Interpreter
"I left the course in a very good state of mind because of the teacher's smile, and the fact that the trainer pointed out my weaknesses accurately but did not speak negatively about them."
Professional Tour Guide-Interpreter
"I gained an awareness that the guide successfully bridges the gap between the Japanese culture and those people from other cultures who may feel a little nervous because of the differences. I realized this again. Also, the trainer provided us with more accurate and engaging expressions."
Professional Tour Guide-Interpreter
"Specifically, the trainers carefully taught us how to communicate in a positive and energetic way with expressions that foreign customers can easily understand."
プロ通訳ガイド H様
Professional Tour Guide-Interpreter
でした。 先生は、参加者がプレゼンで取り上げた様々なお話、状況や視点、に対して、「日本以外の国から来た人にとっては、ワオッと思うような対象だから、良いところを強調してわかりやすいように表現するように」と、的確な説明をされました。 講義の中で指摘された様々なポイント、文書の細かい添削、また、言い足りないことをうまく
的確にかつスムーズにわかりやすくしてしていただいたことに感謝いたします。 日本人同士、全てを説明しないでもわかってもらえる環境に戻っていることに改めて気が
やっておくべきことがたくさんあると気づかせてくれる講座でした。 日本人以外の方の視点を得るために、「日本のことを紹介する海外メディアに触れるとよい」という
アドバイスが強く印象に残りました。 ガイドのプレゼンをランクアップさせる視点、
"The trainer began the seminar with an exchange of self-introductions by the participants, which focused on their own personal experiences in their respective areas of residence. In response to the various stories, situations, and perspectives that the participants covered in their presentations, the trainer gave precise explanations, saying, "For people from outside of Japan, this is a wow-worthy subject, so make sure to emphasize the good points and express them in an easy-to-understand manner. I would like to express my gratitude for the various areas of improvement that were pointed out in the lecture, for the detailed language corrections, and for the way in which the trainer was able to accurately, smoothly, and clearly express what content needed to be emphasized. I realized once again that we Japanese live and communicate in an environment where we do not have to explain everything to each other to be understood. With this awareness, I understand that I have to prepare my stories from various perspectives to successfully communicate and engage with the audience. The workshop made me realize that there are many things I need to do in order to achieve this. I was strongly impressed by the advice that "it is a good idea to be exposed to foreign media introducing Japan" in order to gain perspectives from non-Japanese people. I thought it was a very useful course that allowed me to gain valuable know-how and perspectives that are needed to elevate my guide presentation skill, and to get good direction for which areas I should train myself in further. Thank you very much."
プロ通訳ガイド T様
Professional Tour Guide-Interpreter
三菱重工業株 737・747 PL 様
豊田通商㈱ グローバルIT部 部長 様
大手メーカー Y 様
"Thank you for providing us with additional and relevant information regarding the interpretation and translation of our documentation".
Major Manufacturer - International Department
A 大学様
"Thank you for your quick and accurate translation".
Asahi University
"We feel that your company's proofreading has consistently proven itself to be an
invaluable asset to our company".
M 株式会社様
"Thank you very much for your support and customization of the translation in order to meet our specific needs!"
"We are very grateful for the prompt and courteous service we have always
received from your company".
City Hall officer
"Thank you very much for your great professionalism during the translation and confirmation process".
Toyota Technological Institute
三菱重工業株 737・747 PL 様
豊田通商㈱ グローバルIT部 部長 様
旭金属工業㈱ ・マレーシア工場 代表 様
名鉄百貨店・取締役 外商本部長 様
コンピューター機器製造業・O 様