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Japan has reached new low in terms of English Proficiency 

Writer's picture: Stella Innovations Co., Ltd.Stella Innovations Co., Ltd.

Japanese follows English

According to a study carried out by The EF English Proficiency Index published on the website of The Mainichi (Japan's National Daily Since 1922). Japan has just reached a new low in terms of English Proficiency, ranking as low as 92nd out of 116 countries that took part in the study.

This year's results are even lower when we compare them to the year before where Japan was ranked 87th on the list. (Please read the article for the full range of details on the study and how it was conducted).

A representative from the subsidiary speculated that "it may not be that English skills are declining in Japan, but that the country can't keep up with the growth in proficiency in other countries and regions." 

To us here at Stella Innovations this news is alarming for Japan's future, especially in the global arena where English proficiency is paramount when dealing with international affairs. As the world is becoming more connected by the day, can Japan afford to stay stagnant and continue to fall behind at this current rate? This has been a question that has been deeply discussed between the members of our team. 

Here are some of the Stella team members' comments on this national issue.

Mario our CEO

"A representative from the subsidiary speculated that "it may not be that English skills are declining in Japan, but that the country can't keep up with the growth in proficiency in other countries and regions."" - which means, while other countries and regions are investing heavily in improving the English skills of their people, Japan has gone the other way.


Rage or apathy, it seems to be one of these extremes that is dominating the populations of youth around the world. In Japan, it is most certainly the latter. But it is not right to place the blame for this disinterest in national and global issues fully at the feet of our young. If we, as a country, wish to strive forwards boldly, confidently and positively into the future, then surely empowering and energizing our youth has to be a priority. When the youth of Japan look to their leaders, those making the decisions that will impact their lives and their futures, and see no one who represents their needs and worries, no wonder they become despondent. The youth of Japan need to see great passion, enthusiasm, innovation and an interest in global issues from those they learn from, and we the older generations need to earn their respect not simply expect it from them.


To the vast majority of Japanese people, this news is no longer shocking but is most likely met with a common complacent acceptance. Introducing changes like, speaking assessments to the general education curriculum would go a long way to waking people up from this stupor of apathy.


It’s further confirmation of Japan stagnating. “We’re not getting worse, we’re just the same while everyone else is improving” was the same excuse for when the world economy list was posted.

Adding to this, after having seen that young people’s and workers’ motivation fall to an all-time low it makes you wonder why.

Is it the work-life balance issues that we’ve been aware of for many years? Is it simply a resistance to anything new, to the point we watch the rest of the world move from the start line? Or work promotions being based on seniority rather than individual skill, breeding the “I’ll just wait rather than try” mentality?

The meme “Japan has been living in the 2000’s since the 1980’s” still seems to hold strong

And finally some words shared by Prof. Fujita at Sophia University.

Prof. Fujita

From a Japanese perspective, as a Japanese English learner, I will pick up and share with you comments from Prof. Fujita, Language Education Research Center at Sophia University.

  • 日本の英語能力が具体的に下がったというよりも、日本が変わらない間に他国が上がっていると思われる。

  • 日本に英語教育を良くしようという機運があるのは確かだが、なかなか変わらないという面もある。大学入試にスピーキングを導入しようとしても実施できなかった例などからも「変わらなきゃいけない」と思いながらもそれを変えたくない、という社会構造がある。

  • 日本が伸びていない理由のひとつが国内的なマーケットの広さにある。外に行かなくても日本で食べていける。同じアジアのなかでも韓国が伸びていて、日本が伸び悩んでいる要因となっているのでは?

  • AIやネットが進化しているからと言って、英語力が不要とはならない。ちょっとした会話、コラボレーションにおけるコミュニケーションはいろんな国の人たちと共同で仕事していくときに必要不可欠。アイデアが生まれるようなちょっとした立ち話で仲間外れになってしまうと、結果的に大きな損失につながっていくのでは?

  • 留学の価値のなかには、言語能力の向上だけでなく、価値観や文化を柔軟に受け入れられる力や特定の考えや味方に固執してしまわずに受け入れる力の向上がある。実際に自分が住んでみると、マイノリティの存在になってみる経験ができる。マジョリティが物事を決めているということを知り、マイノリティとして問題を解決していくという経験をしてみるのが大事。

  • 日本の義務教育における英語教育改革では「知識の獲得」をすることから「知識をどう使うか」に焦点が当てられてきた。その点は現在の学生の姿勢に表れており、間違ってもいいから話してみようという傾向は高まっていると感じる。

News Translation












私たちが長年認識してきたワークライフバランスの問題なのでしょうか。 単に新しいものに対する抵抗感から、世界の他の国々がスタートラインから動いているのを見ているだけなのでしょうか。 それとも、仕事の昇進が個人のスキルではなく年功序列に基づいているため、「試すよりも待つ」という考え方がそうさせるのでしょうか。


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