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Writer's picture: Stella Innovations Co., Ltd.Stella Innovations Co., Ltd.


Dear clients, partners, fellow colleagues,



2022 年は、株式会社ステライノベーションズにとって実り多き年となりました。純利益は25%増加し、B2B(企業間取引)セグメントの力強い成長に支えられ、私たちのポジションはさらに強化される予定です。

2022 was a fruitful year for Stella Innovations. With the net profit increasing by 25%, we are on track to further strengthen our positions backed by strong growth in our B2B – business-to-business segment.

今年は、COVID-19のロックダウンが緩和され、私たちの努力の結果、Stella Innovationsを将来に向けて位置づけるためのいくつかの重要なマイルストーンを達成することができました。これらのマイルストーンは、収益源の構築、能力の強化、プロジェクトパイプラインの実行と拡大における重要な進展を意味します。マーケティング、国際ビジネスコンサルティング、翻訳・校正の各事業では、東京都、東海地方、北海道、山陰地方、東北地方の製造業、IT、自動車、商社、サービス業、高等教育機関にソリューションを提供し、引き続き市場を拡大することに成功しました。

During the year, we saw the ease of COVID-19 lockdowns, and our hard work result in the achievement of several important milestones to position Stella Innovations positively for the future. These milestones represent significant progress in building our earnings streams, strengthening our capabilities and executing and expanding our project pipelines. For the marketing, international business consulting and translation & proofreading business, we successfully continued to expand our reach by offering our solutions to the manufacturing, IT, automotive, trading, hospitality businesses and tertiary education sector in the Tokyo, Tokai, Hokkaido, Sanyin and Tohoku areas.


Meanwhile, our corporate training programs and HR development business achieved a record number of orders, made good progress and has positioned itself to further develop into a strong pillar to support Stella’s long-term growth. Strong growth and further strides were made in our International Marketing Consulting, and other core businesses, including Translation & proofreading and support of the education industry, particularly state and privately-owned universities and graduate schools.


As a company, marking its 11th year of operations, I am confident that we are in the right businesses: businesses that power and empower people for the future and that provide solutions that are essential to realizing our clients’ goals. Our prospects are bright, and as ever we seek to shine as an innovative leader in the markets we serve. We have a resilient and balanced portfolio of businesses; strong capabilities and we are slowly but surely positioning ourselves as a trusted company in the Japanese market.


To our clients and partners,


In this competitive business world, an unselfish helping hand is rare indeed. Fighting the tendency towards self-absorption is difficult as various economic and social pressures escalate. Yet, there is much gratification in knowing that your actions were beneficial to another’s life. Because of your trust in us and your acknowledgment of the values we bring, we were able to achieve these positive results. Thank you for reaffirming my belief in the inherent virtue and zeal of human nature, and that ‘good begets good’.


To our Stella Innovations’ Team,

皆さんの努力と情熱、そして当社の成功に果たした役割に、一人ひとり感謝したいと思います。2023年に向けて、Stella Innovations のさらなる飛躍のために、一緒に仕事ができますことを、とても楽しみにしております。

I would like to thank each and every one of you for your hard work, passion, and the vital part that you have played in our company’s success. Stella has and will always stay strong in our belief that a great team is essential for our growth, and to make a great team we need good and honest communication, mutual respect and shared success. I look forward to working with you all as, together, we take Stella into 2023.


For all who celebrate the lunar new year, let me also take this opportunity to wish you and your families a very happy and prosperous Year of the Rabbit!





Mario Nonkovikj


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