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明けましておめでとうございます – 蛇年-HAPPY NEW YEAR – YEAR OF THE SNAKE

Updated: Jan 14

English follows Japanese.

CEO からのメッセージ

2024 年を振り返り、2025 年を迎える時期になりました。


語学研修、トレーニングを受講するお客様が増加し、新しいコースがリリースされ、日本全国にサービスを提供するパートナー ネットワークが拡大しました。




ステラは設立以来、コンサルティングおよび教育業界で唯一無二の経験を提供し、お客様のビジネスを改善する最前線に立ってきました。これまで同様、私たちはよりダイナミックかつグローバル化された日本の未来をかたち作るお手伝いをする探求に全力を尽くしています。日本およびアジアでトップクラスのコンサルティングおよびトレーニングカンパニーの 1 つになることを強く望んでいます。それは非常に大きな挑戦のように聞こえるかもしれませんが、「想像力」、「ビジョン」、そして「決意」があれば、それは実現可能であるものと信じています。






マリオ ノンコビック

Message from the CEO

As 2024 draws to a close, it is time to reflect on 2024 and welcome 2025.

This year has been yet again a very successful year for Stella Innovations with more customers being trained, the release of new courses, expansion of our partner network serving across Japan.

The world around us is changing rapidly including economies, industries and societies. This will also have an impact on how we run our business. Technology trends like Cloud Computing, IoT, Big Data, Mobility and others not only have had a profound impact on how technology is

being used in our daily lives, but also how this data is managed and used to further improve clients’ experience and success. Stella Innovations is also transforming to meet and exceed the needs and expectations from our clients and incorporate cutting-edge technologies across our spectrum of services. Our portfolio is strong, the clients’ trust remains high.

Training and consulting will therefore remain very relevant as the need for knowledge and competencies continues to increase. Training models will need to grow and expand in volume, complexity and flexibility requirements. Stella Innovations has a number of very exciting plans lined up for 2025. Do keep an eye on us as we will be making the various announcements throughout the year.

Ever since its inception, Stella Innovations has been on the forefront of bringing unique experiences and improving our clients’ business in the consulting and educational industry. As always, we remain committed in our quest to help form the future of more dynamic and globalized Japan. We have every intent to become one of the premier consulting & training companies in Japan and in Asia. It may sound like a very big challenge indeed. However, with imagination, vision and determination, it can and will happen.

I would personally like to thank all our valued Stella clients and Stella partners for their continuous support and dedication - we couldn't be where we are now without such a tremendous level of endorsement and trust from all of you.

I also would like to thank the team at Stella Innovations for all the hard work and incredible levels of enthusiasm that has ensured that our customers and partners always receive the best from us.

Wishing everybody a peaceful holiday season and a happy, healthy and successful 2025, and may this year, the Year of the Snake, embody all its positive traits, wisdom, empathy, competence and passion.

Yours Sincerely,

Mario Nonkovikj


Stella Innovations Co.,Ltd.

From our Stella Team to you,


Being a year of the dragon, 2024 was bound to be a year of challenges, ambitions and auspiciousness. I am proud of how our team has grown, and each member has reached new heights in their careers, just as Stella has made new accomplishments in the fields of publishing, education and consulting.  Our revised ‘Get Started’ series of textbooks was released into the market and has received very positive feedback from teachers and students alike. Our team of education consultants won more accolades in 2024 for their exemplary skills, care and guidance, particularly in the fields of tertiary education, expatriate training and tourism. And our consulting team developed new and effective analytics that boosted our clients’ products and services domestically and internationally.  

I wish everyone a wonderful New Year, and may the year 2025 be your most rewarding and joyful year yet. Thank you for choosing Stella Innovations to be your supporter. Your success is our goal.


The 2024 year at Stella Innovations has been a great learning experience. I’ve never been part of so many different and varied projects. I had a great opportunity to use my Data Analysis skillset to analyze student and textbook performance via data that allowed us to improve our approach to not only teaching but also providing additional services. 

Another one of my favorite moments of this year was redesigning our website to give it a more modern feel.

Not to mention the countless people I’ve met through business trips and teaching at universities, being able to see the students and customers progress and succeed has only made me more motivated to work harder in 2025.

My experiences here have truly equipped me with a whole new skillset that I never knew I had. All thanks to the great team that we have here at Stella that support each other throughout the year. With that I wish everyone a happy new year and may your wishes come true for 2025.


It has been a great experience engaging with and supporting the students that attend my lectures - it is incredibly rewarding to see them progress over the course of a semester.

My journey with Stella has also led me to assisting tour guides in Gujo - a wonderful opportunity that culminated in me being able to meet my students in person on-site in Gujo Hachiman. I had only known these students for a short time, but I felt incredibly proud of how much they were able to improve in that short time.

I also had my own little project - "Global-Eyez", which aims to simultaneously bring more people together through English communication, discussing topics ranging from our personal interests to core societal issues in Japan.


For all of its blessings, challenges and opportunities, 2024 has been an auspicious year and navigating its waters has been a worthwhile venture. Our team has worked hard to see the completion of several projects and we celebrate the launch of our revised textbook line.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. From everyone at Stella Innovations we wish you all the best for the coming year.

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